Monday, September 26, 2011

Baby Blankets!!!

 For those of you who dont know, I am a very artsy-crafty person. I love to make things and since I found out I have been pregnant I have been thinking about what things I would like to make. For awhile know I have been wanting to learn how to crochet. I love the look of crochet and you can make a lot of really cute things! So, I have decided that I am going to make the baby a crochet blanket, booties, mittens, and a hat. Now the only problem is, I have no idea how to crochet. I figured you can find anything now-a-days online so I Googled "how to crochet a baby blanket" and up pops YouTube video tutorials on how to crochet! I watched several of these and went out and bought some yarn and a crochet hook and followed the tutorials. I decided that I am going to make a lot of different colored squares and then put them all together once I am done to make a nice pattern. I decided to make the blanket this way because I really like the look of it instead of one solid piece. This gives me a little more freedom with colors and I can mix and match and add little things here and there. It really gives it a quilt like look to the blanket which I love.
I have decided that I will be doing the nursery in either green and pink or green and blue depending on if the baby is a boy or a girl. The base of the room will be green and I will also be purchasing some blue things and some pink things. Once the baby is born and we find out the gender we will add either the pink or blue things to the nursery. Because of this I have decided that I am going to be making 2 sets of crochet pieces. One in pink and green and one in blue and green. I know its going to be a lot of work but I am really excited about it and want to be able to give the baby a gift from me that is very personal and that I hand made with the thought of the baby in my mind.
As of now I have done 4 pink squares, so I have a long way to go! I actually made a lot more squares but they didnt turn out that great and I wont be using them, it was more for practice. I am getting a lot better and faster now so hopefully it wont take me as long to complete. I have about 22 weeks left to get everything completed so the countdown begins!!!
*Oh I almost forgot! I decided to start with the pink because most people seem to think this baby is a boy, me included. I think its a boy only because our family is mostly boys and I cant imagine having a girl. In reality this baby has a 50/50 chance of being a girl, and I need to quit referring to this baby as a boy and thinking of the baby as a boy. I thought that by making the girl things now I might be able to see myself having a girl. If this baby is a girl it probably doesn't like hearing herself be referred to as a him or he so I am really going to make a solid effort to refer to the baby as baby and not he/she. Hopefully this helps until we find out in about 22 weeks!!!***
What I kind of want the blanket to look like

What I hope the booties look like!!!

And this is what I have done so far, long way to go!!!

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