Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Over Half Way There!

I am 22 weeks today :) The past couple of weeks have really gone by fast. Here is an update. 2 weeks ago I went to my anatomy scan. It is an ultrasound where they check to make sure the baby is healthy and growing correctly, they also check to see if there are any indicators of the baby having a disability. Everything with the baby looks wonderful! The baby was measuring 3 days early but my due date is staying the same Feb 29th. They also found out that I have a low lying placenta. This means that the placenta is too close to my cervix. If my placenta doesnt move then I will have to have c-section which is not what I want at all! There is also a possibility that I will have to go on bed rest which I also do not want. I am just praying that my placenta moves and it will no longer be an issue, so lets all hope and pray it moves! The baby is getting so big! Ricky finally got to go to an appointment with me and he got to see our baby for the first time in person! It was a great experience for us to share. We decided to not find out the gender so it is still a surprise! Be sure to take a look at the video and pictures!

Not the best picture but baby is looking at you! 
Baby Feet- Right and left foot!
Profile Pic- The baby is pressing his/her lips together :)
This past weekend Ricky and I went to Jacksonville to visit my grandparents and to go to their Babies R Us. The Babies R Us in Savannah is so small. The Babies R Us in Jacksonville is at least 4x's the size of the one here in Savannah. We decided to go there to register so we can look at several different items that the Jacksonville store has that the Savannah store does not. Things we do not get off of our registry we plan on buying at a later time at the Jacksonville Babies R Us or at Babies R Us online. There are some items that we have to buy online such as the cloth diapers (yes we plan on using cloth and not disposable diapers. It is SO much cheaper and they are nothing like what they used to be!) the ones we will be using are not sold in the stores and are only found online. We also registered at Target because I love Target! They have some really cute things as well! I love baby shopping! 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Busy Baby

I have been feeling little flutters for about 2 weeks now but in the last few days I have been feeling full on kicks and the baby rolling around. Its so exciting for me to be able to feel my baby inside me. I think its so amazing that my body is so complex and can support another life inside of me! I already have such a connection and bond with this baby that I have never even seen (other than ultrasound). When the baby moves I feel a closer and deeper connection and could sit there for hours just waiting to feel another kick from my baby.
The funny thing is whenever Ricky or myself put our hand on my stomach the baby stops kicking!!! I feel really bad because Ricky wants to be able to experience the baby kicking so badly and still hasn't felt him/her once yet. If I keep my hand on my stomach long enough the baby will eventually move around and kick and I can feel it against my hand as well as inside me but poor Ricky still hasn't been able to share in the experience yet. He is back in the field again this week so hopefully when he comes back home the little guy/girl will cooperate with mommy and daddy and let us feel him/her kick!
As far as I can tell we have a really active baby coming! This little one seems to be very busy in there. I feel him/her move a lot now! It seems like it likes to hang out more on my left side but I can tell when he/she decides to move and will practically roll all of the way to the other side of my stomach. It feels so weird but I love the feeling! Does anyone know if there is any correlation between having an active baby in the womb and an active infant? I guess we will see soon!