Thursday, March 8, 2012

To Our Sweet Sophia

Ricky and I have decided that Sophia is growing up way too fast already. We are really bad at taking pictures and have been making it a priority to take as many pictures of Sophia as possible. Not only to share with our family and friends but also for us to be able to look back when she gets older and remember this special time in our lives. We also want Sophia to look at these one day and to know that we care about her and love her so much. We also decided that we were going to write a letter to Sophia for her to read one day when she gets older so she can understand what a joy she brings to our lives. So here is our letter to our sweet Sophia. 

To Our Sweet Sophia, 
   The day we found out we were going to be parents was the day we fell in love with you. We may not have know if you were a boy or a girl, what you looked like, or what your name was but we loved you all the same. Everyday we watched you grow as my belly got bigger and bigger and became more anxious for your arrival. Every doctors appointment was filled with excitement as we got to hear your heartbeat and count down the days until you would be here. Finally the big day came and we welcomed you into our lives forever. 
   Labor was long and hard on all of us but hearing your cry and seeing your sweet face made it all worthwhile. Daddy announced that you were a girl and cut your cord, and you were placed on my tummy. It was the happiest moment of our lives. You were the most beautiful baby girl we had ever seen, perfect in every single way. There is nothing about you that we would ever change.
    So far life with you has take some time to adjust to. You like to cry, a lot but then you also have moments where you are wide awake and are the happiest little baby on the planet. You are also a very strong little girl. You have amazing head control and like to fight with daddy when he tries to change your diaper. You are very aware of your surroundings and its a struggle to get you to fall asleep sometimes. You love to hang out with mommy and to be held. The second you are put down you start to cry. Sometimes it makes doing things around the house difficult but you look so precious and perfectly happy when we hold you that we dont mind one single bit. 
   We love you more than either of us can possibly put into words. We are looking forward to watching you grow and see the woman you will one day turn out to be. Your our little angel and a precious gift from God that we will always adore and cherish. You already have brought so much joy and fulfillment into our lives in the little time you have been with us. Sophia, Mommy and Daddy love you with all of our hearts and we always will! 
         We love you with all of our hearts, 
                      Mommy and Daddy

We LOVE You Sophia Paige!!!!! 


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